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Weekly Global Media Outreach Prayer Letter


To my Christian's friend..

God is the source of our life. “In Him (Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men.”

If you have asked Jesus Christ into your heart and life to be your Savior, then you have the life of Christ in your life. What does this mean? It means that God Himself, through the Holy Spirit in the person of Jesus Christ, now lives in you. God is the source of all good things — of life, of love, of peace, of joy, of happiness. You can ask Christ to live His life through you -- “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

God gave life to plants and all living things. He fills the earth with beauty and with trees, and birds, and flowers and animals. He gave life to mankind and He is the source of our life. But best of all, in Jesus Christ we have the promise of eternal life — of living forever as God’s children in Heaven with Jesus Christ. When we accept Christ as Savior, we are born again spiritually — we have new life. And when our bodies die, we will go to heaven to be with God forever. This is not because of our own good deeds — it is because our sins are forgiven and we have asked Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior.

So, this week, let us pray and

  • Thank God that He is our life and the source of our life.
  • Ask God to help millions of people find Christ and the gift of eternal life through our websites
  • Ask God to raise up many churches to join with us to help follow up new believers
  • Ask God to protect and provide for Global Media Outreach and our staff team

THANK YOU so much for your prayers. We are brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ together with all who have accepted Jesus. It is a privilege to partner together with you as we try to give everyone on earth many chances to accept Jesus Christ.

May God bless you,

Your friends at Global Media Outreach

7:02 PM

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